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Request for Grant Support


  • R level grants that include MSC collaboration require a subcontract covering effort for the MSC co-investigator, supplies, and instrument time based on the scope of work described in the approach. We are happy to assist with preliminary data through our fee for service mechanism and with letters of support, facilities, resources, and other documentation for collaborative grant submissions. Please contact us no later than 45 days in advance for grant submissions and no less than four months in advance if you are seeking preliminary data for your grant submission.
  • Pilot grants and small foundation grants will be supported by the MSC and do not necessarily require a sub contract. A budget can be determined for the proposed work and the MSC will support the grant submission with a letter of support and a description of our facilities and resources.
  • The faculty of The MSC serve on many thesis committees and mentoring committees for trainees. We are always willing to provide letters of support and grant assistance to trainees and their grant submissions.
  • Please contact Stacy Gelhaus, PhD ( for questions regarding MSC participation in grant submissions.